
Frequently Asked Questions

  • How will my luggage be transported from the airport to the cruise ship?

    Advance Check-In! shuttles luggage in secured vehicles for protection against damage, theft and weather. Upon arriving at the cruise ship terminal, luggage is processed through normal check-in and security screening measures as if you were there with your luggage. The normal security measures are also utilized when we transport your luggage from the port to the airport.
  • What are the times for luggage pick-up?

    Advance Check-in! is aware of all cruise ship schedules, and we can transport your luggage to the ships based on those schedules.
    When you make an online reservation for Advance Check-In! services, we ask for your flight information to best coordinate the transportation of your luggage.
  • Can I cancel my reservation?

    Reservations may only be cancelled within 72 hours of the initial reservation. Please call a representative to do so.
  • Where is Advance Check-In! located?

    At the Port of New Orleans, cruise ship terminal, we are located in the passenger pick-up/drop-off area in the Erato Street terminal, and at the entrance/exit of the Julia Street terminal. Once you have cleared customs with your luggage, bring it to our desk and we will set your luggage up for delivery to your hotel or the airport or on-site storage.
  • How is pricing determined?

    The fee is $25 for the first piece of luggage, $45 for 2-4 pieces of luggage, and $10 for each additional piece of luggage after 4. No extra fee for oversize or fragile luggage!
    Large groups of 10 or more traveling together should call for special pricing options. 
  • Are items inside my luggage protected against loss?

    Advance Check-In! has adopted the same limited liability policy shared by the major airlines. We are responsible only for damages or lost items as a direct result of mishandling by an Advance Check-In! employee. Compensation for loss or damage is not to exceed $1,000. We encourage patrons to always keep their valuables with them. We will not be responsible for money, jewelry, cameras, video and electronic equipment, negotiable papers, securities, business documents, samples, paintings, antiques, artifacts, manuscripts, furs, irreplaceable books, publications or similar valuables.
  • What about other security concerns?

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Transportation Security Administration (TSA), Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport, and the Port of New Orleans have all approved the operations of Advance Check-In! The concept is viewed as a means of decreasing the check-in/check-out time for airport passengers at peak times. All luggage transported by Advance Check-In! is processed through the normal security scanning systems at the airport and at the Port of New Orleans.
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