

Advance Check-In! lets travelers maximize their time - and their fun - when visiting New Orleans. Travelers can check their luggage with us, we will transport the bags to and/or from the requested hotel, cruise terminal and New Orleans Airport.

Luggage Prices:

To/ From Airport to Hotel, Hotel to Cruise, Airport to Cruise, Cruise to Airport

  • 1 Bag $25.00
  • 2 Bags $40.00
  • 3-4 Bags $60.00
  • 5 Bags $70.00
  • 6 Bags $80.00
  • 7 Bags $90.00
  • 8 Bags $100.00
  • 9 Bags $110.00

Tour Packages:

Get on the hop-on-hop-off tour bus at the cruise terminal and then get transportation to the airport.

  • Adult Big Easy Tour Package $120
  • Child Big Easy Tour Package $74.99

Recieve a 10% discount when you book round trip.

For group rates, please call 504-471-0080

* Luggage going to the cruise ships will be forwarded through security and cruise line personnel will deliver the bags directly to your cabin.

NOTE: Luggage must be tagged (with cruise ship tags) prior to releasing luggage to Advance Check-In! agents. Luggage can not be forwarded to the cruise ship without completed tags attached.

Airport to Cruise Ship 

How the service works:

  1. Book reservation with Advance Check-In! for pickup at requested airline, entering flight's arrival time in flight time field.
  2. If there are any delays in the flight, call an Advance Check-In! agent to report it.
  3. Leave bags at the belt and go enjoy New Orleans hands-free!
  4. Agent will pick bags up from the belt and deliver them directly to your cruise ship cabin

Click here to make a reservation now

Cruise Ship to Airport 

How the service works:

  1. Book reservation with Advance Check-In! for pickup at cruise and drop off at airport, noting the flight's departure time in the flight time field.
  2. Claim your luggage when you disembark from the ship and proceed through customs.
  3. Bring your luggage to the Advance Check-In! office, located in the passenger pick-up/drop-off area.
  4. Enjoy New Orleans hands free!
  5. Advance Check-In! agent will meet with you in baggage claim by requested airline.
  6. Claim your luggage and enjoy your flight.

Click here to make a reservation now

Hotel Service 

Regardless of the purpose of your visit to New Orleans, we can also transport luggage to and from all New Orleans hotels.

How the service works:


  1. Make your reservation,  indicate what hotel you want your luggage delivered to.  If picking up from airport, note the flight arrival time in the flight time field.
  2. Claim your luggage at the airport or cruise terminal.
    1. Airport location:  Agent will pick up bags from belt after reserved flight arrival time.  You can bypass baggage claim entirely.
    2. Cruise terminal:  Bring luggage to Advance Check-In! office located in passenger pick-up/drop-off area.
  3. Proceed to your destination, we will deliver your bags directly to your hotel.
  4. Bags will be waiting for you in the baggage storage room at the hotel.

NOTE: You must have reservations at the hotel requested to receive the bag.


  1. Make your reservation, indicate what hotel you want your luggage picked up from
  2. Give your bags to the Bell Desk, provide them a copy of your Advance Check-In! reservations.
  3. Proceed to your destination, we will pick-up your bags at the hotel and deliver them to the cruise ship or to the airline.
    1. Bags going to cruise ship will be checked onboard the ship and ship agents will deliver them to your cabin. *Bags must have cruise ship luggage tags completed and attached to each bag to be checked.
    2. Bags going to airport will be brought to the airline baggage claim at scheduled time.

NOTE: Your bags must be available for pick-up no less than four hours prior to your flight time/sail time.

Click here to make a reservation now


Visiting to New Orleans? We can also transport luggage to and from your AirB&B.

How the service works:


  1. Make your reservation,  indicate the address you want your luggage delivered to.  If picking up from airport, note the flight arrival time in the flight time field.
  2. Claim your luggage at the airport or cruise terminal.
    1. Airport location:  Agent will pick up bags from belt after reserved flight arrival time.  You can bypass baggage claim entirely.
    2. Cruise terminal:  Bring luggage to Advance Check-In! office located in passenger pick-up/drop-off area.
  3. Proceed to your destination, we will deliver your bags directly to your AirB&B.


  1. Make your reservation, indicate the address you want your luggage picked up from
  2. We will arrange a pickup time you.
  3. Proceed to your destination, we will pick-up your bags at the AirB&B and deliver them to the cruise ship or to the airline.
    1. Bags going to cruise ship will be checked onboard the ship and ship agents will deliver them to your cabin. *Bags must have cruise ship luggage tags completed and attached to each bag to be checked.
    2. Bags going to airport will be brought to the airline baggage claim at scheduled time.

NOTE: Your bags must be available for pick-up no less than four hours prior to your flight time/sail time.

Click here to make a reservation now

Port on Site Storage 

How the service works:

  1. Disembark from cruise and visit Advance-Check In! office, located in the passenger pick up/drop off area at the Erato Street terminal, and by the entrance/exit of the Julia Street terminal.
  2. Fill out the given tag and leave the bag(s) with the representative at the desk.
  3. Enjoy your time in New Orleans hands free!

Click here to make a reservation now


Advance Check-In! is partnered with several local transportation companies; we can offer discounts for cruise passengers when booking with us.  Visit the office to set up transportation.

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